Cost and Need Of Hairline Lowering Transplant

Home / Hairline Hair Transplant / Cost and Need Of Hairline Lowering Transplant

Posted on : April 23, 2022 | Category : Hairline Hair Transplant | Author: Beverly Hills Hair Restoration Team

hairline lowering procedure

It is the desire of many people to have their hairlines proportional to their facial features. An unproportional hairline or an excessively broad forehead can really weigh you down and make you have low esteem, especially if you are conscious about your looks. Several factors can cause the forehead to look larger. Among them are receding hairline, hereditary hair loss, prior surgery, and other forms of hair loss. Fortunately, if you have a high hairline, there is a procedure called a hairline lowering procedure, that can help you get rid of it. Both men and women can use this procedure to lower their hairlines. 

What is hairline lowering?

Hairline lowering is an effective procedure that is meant to improve or correct the shape and the size of the hairline. It is a cosmetic procedure that is usually offered in hair restoration clinics. Having a high hairline can affect your social life negatively by lowering your self-esteem. However, most of the people who are experiencing this problem don’t know that there is a procedure that can help them with the effects of a receding hairline. 

Read More: Men's Eyebrow Transplant: How Does It Work?

How Much is Hairline Lowering Transplant?

Most health or medical insurance providers won’t cover the hairline lowering procedure because it is viewed as a cosmetic procedure. If you decide to have this procedure, you have to pay for it. Before you are given the estimates for performing the hairline lowering procedure, most providers will ask you to schedule an appointment first. Various factors will determine hairline lowering cost. The extent of the surgery and the skill set of the surgeon are among these factors. 

The cost is steep but worth it if you want quality

The cost may be on the higher end, but the results will justify the cost. You need to dig deeper into your pockets if you want to get the best-desired results. The amount of harvested hair follicles and the expertise of the surgeon will determine the cost which may range between $5,000 to $20,000. Customizable options are available. You can simply pay us a visit at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration for all types of hair loss procedures including a hairline lowering transplant near me. To show you how reliable we are, you can simply concern our hair loss specialist to have your procedure. 

Need a Hairline Lowering Transplant

You are eligible for the hair lowering transplant if you are a woman with a large forehead that is not caused by hereditary hair loss. A high hairline often makes the forehead look large. You can also opt for the hairline transplant procedure if you are a man with a large forehead or high Highline. Our surgeon Dr. John Kahen will instruct you to avoid smoking a month before or after the surgery. 

The best desired results are often determined by the suppleness of the scalp. To establish whether you are the best candidate for the hairline lowering transplant, the surgeon will perform a complete pitch test during a pre-operative appointment. 

Contact our hair restoration specialists at the Beverly Hills Hair Restoration clinic if you want to have a hairline lowering transplant. We offer guidance to all our clients on how hair restoration procedures are done, including affordable, customizable options available. You can simply schedule your consultation or pay us a visit at Beverly Hills Hair Restoration for all types of hair loss procedures including a hairline lowering transplant near me. To show you how reliable we are, you can simply go through our Female hair transplant before and after photos, or you can go with the Male hair transplant photos

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